Sunday, December 19, 2010

The kids had a great time at Bumpa's work Christmas party at the Telus World of Science.
The new car model.

All the kids had to try on the space suit.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa came to visit at Clara school during the Christmas party.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This morning the church had there kids Christmas concert. Clara's class was the first up.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

The girls had a great summer. We had a lot of fun starting with family camp and even going to Capital ex and seeing the Backyardgains. We look forward to what is to come next and the adventures that go with it.

After driving the bison loop and went to the lake to play at the play ground we had not seen a bison yet. So Micheal took this picture think that this was as colse as we are going to get to see a bison. Little did we know.

This is the only one we saw before we headed back home.
This Clara by the lake.
After church we went to Elk Island Park. It was windy.
The kids in there new Pj. with Elmo on them.This is Sunday morning before church.
This was Clara ready to leave for school. She was so happy to go.
This was the first person Clara met that is in her class and his name is Tristan.
Clara outside her school.

Friday, July 9, 2010

We had wonderful weekend the weather was great and place we nice as will. The kids had a lot of
other kids that they played with. Statira saw fireworks for the first time and they both got to see a camp fire and sing songs. We are looking forward to next year and do it all again.

This is the outside of the cabin we had

This what the inside the cabin we stayed in.

Clara was a natural and loved every moment of it.

This what the barge ride looks like.
This is the main lodge from the lake

Clara fell a sleep on the ride.
At camp they had a barge ride.

Friday, June 25, 2010

This month has been a great month so far. We look forward to have Gammie come to visit.
Pulse we have things happening with the church. The day that Grammie get here we have a Community Picnic that the church is put on. Then on Canada day we get to go back out to Camp Nakamun.

Not only did we have great weather for father's day and for Micheal 's birthday we had two cakes.
This is my favorite picture of that day.
Uncle Roy and Clara are having a water fight.
This is Rose Sean's girlfriend.
My new soccer player in the making.

Monday, May 31, 2010

This was the lobby area to camp. Friday and Saturday after everybody had there
kids in bed this were we sat and talked and even played games. It was a great weekend
and we look forward doing it again with the church next year in May.